You know after seeing all the stuff in death stranding makes me think a long trek to Bonbi’s house ain’t so bad. Just Substitute the sprits with gators and you have yourself a memorable journey with plenty of time to contemplate what you plan on doing once you see the all to familiar house just within the fencing. Seeing the horses trout around....the chickens bobbing here and there...the dogs gleefully taking in the fresh air while you take in all the sights before planning your next move. Circling around to see if there any cars all while poking, and prodding for weaknesses or blind spots for a quick, and easy entrance. It also provides great relief that what ever happens you’d have miles of densely covered forest in any direction to which you can flee too in any direction should you so choose. The noose gets ever so tighter as the curtain finally falls on this much anticipated finale. With the end in sight it’s hard not to reflect on all that has happened both good, and bad. All the events that led up to this very moment, and now it’s here......I say yet again “you were here in the beginning, and now you get to see how it ends.”