I don't know, it sounds like you just have a huge hard-on for hating the Bonbiwaffles. It also sounds like you want Bonbi to be a damsel in distress who is in emotional turmoil from being harassed by these evil nazi nobodies. If she was getting so bullied by them in the comments you'd think that she would make an Insta story or a Tiktok complaining about it before she decided to dislike 'feminine' cosplays. But she doesn't seem to be fighting back against anyone for this. Compare this to when she was getting called fat. Big difference.
In my opinion it's more likely that she thinks that feminine cosplays have to show skin and cleavage. She said before that revealing outfits make her uncomfortable. I think she was trying to push herself to be more like Emily, thinking that she would get used to it but still feeling uncomfortable.