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Ahh, a nice new thread.

luv Bonbi
luv Bonbibros
simple as

Now back to my schizo discussion.
Are you insane? Maybe you're just jerking me around? You're persistent I've got to give you that.
First off, Belle isn't the only feminine cosplay she's done. She's done LOADS that were very well received by everyone. If she's humiliated, she should be humiliated that she cosplayed a sex worker and not that she did a feminine cosplay.
She didn't start the Belle thing specifically because of Bonbiwaffen, but because of various 'incels' who got offended when she did her Samus bodysuit cosplay and other sexier cosplays. Maybe they were part of that group, but it wasn't specifically them. Read it again. Not ONCE did she mention BonbiWaffen.
The whole Belle controversy was a full year ago. She has consistently done feminine cosplays in that time and 0% boyish and barely any tomboy cosplays until Ticci Toby. There was no opportunity for a difference in public feedback until then.
People kiss her ass, tell her she's beautiful and subscribe to her patreon no matter what she does. Sexy and feminine outfits increase this. Maybe a tiny minority say negative things about her sexier and/or feminine cosplays and wish for Boyish Bon. They're drowned out by vast majority of normies and white knights.
In conclusion, her not wanting to be feminine has very little to do with both BonbiWaffen and the Belle Controversy. I love you Bonbibro, but it's a very weak hypothesis.