On second thought, I was probably wrong?
https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Cheesehead gives some more info and shows games rankings all the way back to Season 4, which would have been in 2014 when Bonbi was what? 11 years old?
Also, for some unfathmobale reason, op.gg shows the last game 4 days ago, while lolskill showed it minutes ago...
The myspeld profile on op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=myspeld shows the last game as being 17 days ago?
There is also a Bonbi account, but that also shows rankings all the way back to Season 4: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Bonbi
Same with the bonbibonkers account: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=bonbibonkers

I'm not sure if op.gg works kind of weird though and if profiles are somehow privated maybe doesn't show certain info without telling you? But then again, I also checked mobalytics and lolprofile,  which both show the same info.
I'm not sure if lolskill works somehow differently, that maybe you need to opt-into the other ones, but this one stat site gets its data some other way that circumvents that? 
Maybe it's just more trolls...