thumbnail of Screenshot 2021-07-08 at 05.23.21.png
thumbnail of Screenshot 2021-07-08 at 05.23.21.png
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> be me 
> in love with bonbi
> really admire her and really makes me happy that theirs something pure out there
> stick with her even if shes getting fiddled with Emiru
> starts posting more and more skin
> wtf.mp4
> see her newest story 
> dont think much about it and send it to a bonbi gc
> minutes later check the messages and see one of the guys say shes starting to post Light NSFW 
> dont believe him at first and check for myself 
> WTFFF thisdumbfuckingbitchspicslut 
> try and find my cool and think of a good plan
> boom.mp4
> maybe if I buy her Patreon I can send her a heartfelt message and she can stop 
> sent 5 hours ago
> mfw