The guy you're replying to was just giving you the 411 on who Cuntor is. Anyways I don't rule anything out one way or another. After all, Emiru doesn't live near Bonbi and Seth is still living (with Mama Rhonda) less than mile from Bonbi, unless they moved and we don't know it.  So Emiru could be getting duped too. However, the confluence of evidence indicates to me that Seth is most likely out of the picture as far as being in a "relationship" with Bonbi. As I've said often before, only time will tell. 

I remember back when the "dossier" shit was happening, must have been April 2019, and dn insiders were posting screenshots of her saying 4chan was "retarded" and wrong about everything. This was after months of us saying Bonbi was getting groomed, Anonce is a creeper, the list goes on. We were vindicated on every count. It's no wonder this train wreck happened with caved-in-head-Wojak level fucktard discordfags in the mix.