> https://imgur.com/a/LhMflyI
Fucking what the fuck is going on.
How the heck could all of this happen? And in such a bizarre way!?
Seriously, what kind of damned "relationship" are these two absolute retards having?
I kept looking away from dramashit for so long and was now just kinda bored and curious to check out why this place here actually exists and...

What. The. Fuck.

Didn't expect to find something like this. Eventhough I stopped being emotionally invested several months ago, I still wish I never would have found out about this.
How fucking terrible must her parents be so she became like this?
What kind of server is that anyway where they talk about all this stuff like it's nothing? And how did some messages that look like DMs get leaked?

Actually you know what, I don't want to know.