Bonbies have new tiktoks. But I still don't have the strength to evaluate them. I am emotionally drained. The main difficulty in assessing them is that in English there are not many words and synonyms that are in Russian. Because of this, the translation into English is always clumsy. It has to be passed several times through a Google translator from Russian to English and vice versa in order to understand what happened. We have to replace many words with synonyms because the English language does not know such words. Because of this, to write a post in Russian, you need, for example, 10 minutes, and to correctly translate its meaning into English takes 25-30 minutes. For me, this is a kind of work that no one pays for, and there is no psychological return from it.

I tried to chat with her on stream but she ignores me. I asked the bonby to make a signal with the inscription "Hello Soloninoforser", or in Russian "Привет Солонинофорсер". This would give me a little strength to evaluate a certain number of her tiktoks. But she didn't. If she does not do this, then most likely this is my last post in this thread, and I will not create a new thread.