милый... mp4
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What a cute fluffy kitten. If I lived in the USA, I would give this cute kitten a large bouquet of such flowers.
I see that the bonby is trying to influence me with the eyes of a cat from the cartoon Shrek. It could have partially worked before February 24, but now it doesn't. Putin has gone crazy enough to attack Ukraine. I am against the war, not only because it is anti-moral, but also because economically it cannot end in anything useful either for Russia or for Ukraine. For this attack on Russia imposed total sanctions that will lead to a drop in living standards even lower than before February. This means my nutrition will be even worse, even less medicine, and even less access to various sites on the foreign Internet. And that means I will have even less strength to work than before. Over the past years and months, I have been writing articles to stop Russia from further sliding into a repressive police state. But as it turned out, this was not enough, and I did not have the strength to prevent this from happening. Now, due to the drop in living standards even lower, I will not have enough strength not only to write something about Bonbi, but even to do my main activity like writing articles like these to stop the war in Ukraine https://2ch.hk/po/ res/46880635.html
Now they will come out at best once every few months.
Sorry Bonbi again, I don't have enough strength even for my important goal/mission in life. But if the bonbi wants to talk to me, then I will be happy about it. Perhaps this will give me a little bit of strength to appreciate something from her cosplays. She can always text me on Facebook, at least she still has access to it through the VPN. This is definitely my last post here.