We saw your kind of bizarrely invested damage control way back in the /wsg/ days too. It was always one or two faggots crying about "trying to control her" in response to someone saying "gee I don't know if that's a good idea" LMAO. I'll say now what people said then:
1. no one here is stopping her from doing a god damn thing or trying to control her, cut the melodramatic bullshit.
2. She can do what she wants, and people can opine about it as they see fit. You're the one interjecting with obnoxious bullshit at every turn, and honestly it's fucking odd. I expect this level of shit from the person being talked about, but not a disinterested observer.
I'll cap it off with this: for years she has made decisions with the express intent of antagonizing the most heavily invested (for good and bad) segment of her fanbase when it was absolutely unnecessary and was guaranteed to lead to nothing but trouble. She could have stopped that and cut herself off from them, but she seems to get off on the mutually antagonistic, parasocial, hyper-real relationship she has to them now. She has the fans she deserves.