---PART 3- LOVE---
After high school, the only things I was interested in were work, school, and anime.
The more and more that I wanted to date, the less I cared about it.
By the time I was a little over 18, I had no desire to be in a relationship.
The only reason I was interested in guys was because I thought being able to see that side of them and the world would be fun, and I was right.
(I loved going to the movies with him. I thought he was the funniest person I'd met.)
He and I would joke around and have fun, but it was always with the understanding that it could never go any further.
(I liked the first part. I guess.)
I wanted to be a manga artist, but I felt like I had to learn many other things too.
I decided that it was high time to get a boyfriend.
I had never been in love, and I knew nothing about it.
I was determined to learn how.
(I had my eyes set on this one guy I'd known since I was in middle school.)
I didn't have any idea how to ask out a boy.
All I did was send him this letter...
I don't know why, but I was pretty nervous about this.
(I told myself that this guy wouldn't take it the wrong way.)
I didn't want to make a fool out of myself.
I had no idea what to say or how to do it.
(I asked him on a message board. I was sure that he'd answer me.)
(I said that I was a guy, and I wanted to date him.)