I forgot to say that I am me and the other guy isn't me.
I'm a guy, I don't watch girls online.
The Chinese government would have all my info if I did.
So I download the videos instead.
It's only good optics, deshou?
I have something I need to tell you now.
I have cheated on bonbi with a cute hoe. (_nineiota)
I realized that she is the ideal woman.
Bonbi is childish illusion for suckers.
Q: What is a woman?
A: Not bonbi.
Genesis 2:
It is not good for man to be alone, therfore I shall make a suitable helper for him.
Q: What is a woman?
A: A suitable helper. (_nineiota)
It's not my fault. Bonbi wanted this.
It's not my fault. Bonbi wanted this.
It's not my fault. Bonbi wanted this.
It's not my fault. Bonbi wanted this.
Dear _nineiota, I love you more than bonbi. You are cuter and cooler and a cosplay queen.
Thank you for saving me from the bontent.
SAVE [ ]