You can't trick me.
is the real "Old Character".
are obvious fakes.
I call this author Mossad.
probably wrote the prior two to make this one sound more consistent by comparison.
almost certainly the true O.C.
way too much effort for a joke, right?
and it's more consistent with the >>/32238/
filled with nonsense, like all of them.
kind of cringe, so maybe OC started to copy Mossad?
different usage of AMENDMENT convention, no newlines.
Mossad or a new guy.
Mossad wouldn't change the formula so much.
so probably new guy or the OC changed tone on purpose.
hmm... idk anything about _nineiota. is this a meme?
what are the chances this is the same guy?
same story as Mossad's, but maybe a new guy trying to end this stupidity?
thank you for trying to save the thread.