You awe aww fucking pedos.
How couwd anyone get off to the idea of wemoving Bonwi's cwothes and wicking hew tiny body aww ovew, nibbwing hew neck and kissing hew adowabwe wittwe nippwes? Onwy a heawtwess monstew wouwd think about hew cute giwwish mouth and tongue wwapped awound a thick cock swick with hew sawiva, pumping in and out of hew mouth untiw it ewupts, the cum mowe than hew wittwe thwoat can swawwow.
The idea of thick viscous semen ovewfwowing, dwibbwing down hew chin ovew hew fwat chest, hew tiny hands scooping it aww up and watching hew suck it off hew fingewtips is just howwibwe. You'we aww a bunch of sick pewvewts, thinking of spweading hew smooth swendew thighs, cock poised at the entwance to hew puwe, tight, viwginaw pussy, and thwusting in deep as a whimpew escapes hew wips which awe swippewy with cum, whiwe hew smaww body shuddews fwom having hew chewwy taken in one quick stwoke.
I am disgusted at how you'd get even mowe excited as you wean ovew hew, wistening to hew quickening bweath, hew giwwish moans and gasps whiwe you hasten youw stwokes, hew sweet pants wawm and moist on youw face and hew fwat chest, shiny with a sheen of fwesh sweat, wising and fawwing wapidwy to meet youws.
It is twuwy nasty how you'd wun youw hands aww ovew hew tiny body whiwe you viowate hew, feewing hew nippwes hawdening against youw tongue as you wick hew chest and hew neck, savowing the scent of hew skin and sweat whiwe she twembwes fwom the stimuwation and as she weaches hew cwimax, heawing hew cwy out softwy as she has hew fiwst owgasm whiwe that cock is buwied impossibwy deep inside hew, puwsing viowentwy as an intense amount of hot cum spuwts fowth and fwoods thwough hew fweshwy-defwowewed pussy fow the fiwst time, fiwwing hew womb onwy to spiww out of hew with a sickening squewch. And as you wie atop hew fwushed body, she sighs bweathwesswy and hew fingews dig into youw back as she feews youw cock hawdening inside hew again.
You peopwe disgust me.