bon is hitting the jelly donuts hard these days and unfortunately they are not hitting back. succumbing to the piggy's gobblings. she is getting fatter every day. last night bon was reading a book titled, How to become a better piggy in today's Complex World, when a series of twenty eight farts occurred, like a trumpet blaring several stanzas of the Ode To The Fat Life. her room got turned into a pig pen fast, as the noxious scents mulled around and finally vaporized after 10 hours, but not before knocking out several of her pet hamsters in their cage, in the meanwhile the piggy kept gobbling up books like donuts; she also read up on "Piggy's Paradise" and the self helper "Self Control: Stop Gobbling everything in sight" and the bestseller "How to refrain from becoming a fat piglet" and the popular "Piggy's are Winners:Believe in Yourself(Even though you are a useless Fat Pig)"