by the time bonbibonkers woke up this morning there wasn't much left of her pajamas to speak of. she had pissed her guts out so thoroughly during the long night they became saturated and when she did finally oink out of bed they fell apart and disintegrated into pieces and parts of nothingness. totally ruined. great job Oink.i guess bon never thought of what a gallon of drinks do when she was trough guzzling before sleepy time. then about thirty seconds after putting on her slippers she crashed into the toilet bowl in a sudden rush to the bathroom as her pooper, like a failed dam, collapsed and liquid diarrhea began spraying out of her butt. the bathroom floor was spray painted and victimized thoroughly by the time she finally got herself squatted over the toilet bowl. that was a mess. a messy way for an ordinary person to start the day but it was just another day in the life of a piggy.