an unexpected tube of brown poop poured out of bonbi's butt hole today while she was in her comfy new desk chair. before she could say bonbi is a fat and useless piggy the smelly load of poop filled her panties and started to spill out, run and accumulate on her chair. Another day, another mess, bonbi barely even bat an eye about the poopy mess in her panties and clumped onto her chair, such an event had become as regular as anything, as regular as the sun rising every day outside, and as disgusting as it sounds, the piggy sat in her own filth at her desk for another two hours, doing all sorts of activities and computer games. piglets cannot be bothered with zestly cleaning themselves, since a poopy pig pen is home to them. It was only when it was poop production time and she had to leave the room for a food raid that bonbi deemed it satisfaction to finally clean herself up, and wipe the smeared poo from her chair.