bon's family was shocked this afternoon when they opened the fridge and discovered the 15 pounds of thanksgiving leftovers was missing. they thought a hoarfrost bear wandering down from the mountains had raided the premises overnight and stolen it all away. eventually they found it alright, at least the remnants of what was left of it, crumbs mostly and chewed pieces, in bon's room. they also discovered an unsightly large pile of poop in the middle of her room sitting on the floor, which bon couldn't be bothered to explain or clean up. you see after her feast of thanksgiving leftovers a bothered feeling hit bon mid stride of a large ball of poop forming and trying to escape from her butt. so she snap squatted middle of her room and five seconds later a thick brown curl of ropey poop took its interest in falling and resting on bon's floor. and since the piglet was so inviting as to let that poop curl relax (bon's busy beyond belief) it spread its legs, metaphorically speaking, in uninterrupted comfort and napped there for hours, until wee in the evening when bon could find the time to toilet paper it into the pool in the toilet bowl for a flush.