well poopy and poops. the piggy spent the whole afternoon painting a portrait of herself with oil paints on a 20 inch canvas.
the piggy's new hobby. everything was going great and the two hours when ohhhhhh. a nature call was boiling inside the piggy's poop filled guts. namely, brown poop. lots of it. time to head to her favorite white ceramic buddy the toilet. but as usual the piglet messed that up. the piggy tripped over the wooden easel and fell on the floor and pooped her pants.
bonbi got up, and felt her panties filled with brown poopy waste and offal; then
she stampeded like a piggy into the bathroom and when she took off her panties the load of poop
slingshot out of them and directly onto her face. the poop was sticky like glue. and stuck like a
squirrel does to a tree all over bon's face. whooaa, bon had a poopy face. the piggy's face was covered with brown poops. well. what a portrait is that going to make. indeed. so the piggy had to spend a good quantity of time cleaning herself off. before resuming her self portrait. we will have to see
once framed and placed on the wall the finished work and whether the poopy piggy was able to wipe all of the brown sticky poo from her face or is it forever on oil.