Coomer anon, do you genuinely believe that bonbi making porn will be a positive development for her? Do you really think that someone who admitted on stream to crying after people on tiktok sexualized her most recent Roxy  cosplay, would fare well in the porn industry? Do you honest to god believe that a person who bans things like gorilla emoji's in her comments because they make her cry, will be able to handle all the negative attention she would get from making porn? Even comments calling her goofy made her cry, do you really believe that constantly being called a whore is a better alternative that would make her happy? Her stream chat already has a growing group of people that respect her wishes so much, that they use variations of the word "onlyfans" to ask her if she is starting one, because bonbi blocked the original word. It's not like she already awkwardly ignores the majority of people asking her that, so surely growing her coomer fanbase will be a beneficial thing for the (in her own words) only thing she still enjoys doing which is streaming. Surely all people with self respect leaving her community, and leaving only a fanbase of coomers who already respect her so darn much will totally not ruin the only thing she still enjoys doing. right? Honestly maybe coomer anon is correct. We should probably just all encourage someone as talented and entertaining as bonbi to throw away all her potential and completely degrade herself so that coomer anon can bust a nut to her in peace. That probably will lead to her being happy, right coomer anon?