the problem is the poopy piggy bon really. poopy ptak and brown surprises. and its no surprise bonbibonkers is such a poopy piggy.
The piggy pooped underneath the christmas tree today when she had to go poopy badly. An eruption started inside the piggy bon's rectum and her butt tube while she was checking out the tree and the decorations. and life for life ,poop for poop, the piggy could hold off that brown load from spilling out of her butt hole without a second of delay. she screamed and took a quick squat, and ppphhiiiss was the sound of the brown poop as it exited the piggy's anus. it sounded like fizz from a champagne
bottle spilling from the top. the piggy opened her eyes wide and her mouth as for shock as that wide load
of poop forced its way out and fell underneath the tree.
what a christmas present the piggy left underneath the christmas tree indeed. the piggy bon left her load of poop sitting there and didn't bother to clean it up because she is a lazy piggy floor pooper.
and the piggy didn't even bother to tag her gift of poop under the tree with a name plate so who knows who her pile of brown poop was meant for as a present.