woow BonbiBonkerSS even after having the forementioned knowledge of it being a far-right dogwhistle STILL decides to give it attention and enable it... Hmm I wonder why the audience is all 4chud nazees :(, but that wasnt enough for BonbiBonKKKers. After this point she decides to fully indulge in US culture such as imperialist megacorps McDonalds, Pizzahut and other fast food places turning herself into a greasy piglet... Producing voluminous brown sausages is way more important to the piggy than Anti Imperialist Aktion and honoring her Cubanx ancestors fight against the far right US regime. Castro turning in his grave also its time to write abook poopbro
2chen is a fascist group of white adjacent LatinX who have an inferiority complex therefore overly worshiping ANY mid white girl of the day. They have incorporated into whiteness and assumed the position of "defenders of western civilization" being able to do so because of their lighter brown complexion and christian religion of Latin America (much like bon and her colonized mom whos in a power imbalance marriage just so she could incorporate into YTness). Because of this they are able to drop the en-bomm, attack "mudslimes" and their mod is named "Hitler". These weird 2chen freaks must be heavily monitored by our dear moderators or they might overthrow our democracy here at bbg #CriticalRaceTheory #DeconstructLatinxPrivlege