This seems a little weird, considering that the stream chat wasn't even half as bad as last time, but a few ideas as to why:

1) Bonbi recognized plenty of dns in chat and didn't want to be reminded of them. This was already one of the main reasons she didn't want to stream on IG anymore, so it wouldn't be completely surprising if reading mostly dns bantering with each other would get her to quit. No "new fans" watching her after all.
2) She's actually disgusted by the (too blatant) orbiters. I know that gregrussell was just a joke, but maybe Bonbi read some of those messages and actually thought there was this guy who thought he was entitled to play games with her.
3) What  >>/3545/ said. She hoped that streaming alone with the pedo nowhere in sight would get people to stop dramaposting. 
4) This is a little more far-fetched, but if she has a brother that is a few years older or younger than her, chances are that he knows about Twitch, and would probably be a lot more likely to see a stream of hers there than on Tiktok. If her brother saw part of the stream, and started to ask questions about some of the things posted in chat...
5) Maybe Seth told her some things. Like, he could have said to her that everybody hated it and was making fun of her, or something like that.

Now, the much bigger question is, why did she remove that 3rd tok again?