i think the important point to be made here is that
the piglet bon started the new year in proper piggy fashion by pooping her bed during sleep. ya see she rose from sleep this morning and smelled a shit smell.
she felt in her panties a greasy melt of brown shit, about three pounds worth. oh, the piggy sort of squished around in her poopy mess for about thirty minutes. she liked it so much. the brown shit cream wogged in between her butt cheeks and rubbed them with such refresh and luster the piggy couldn't stop moving her legs ,because with each movement of her legs the brown mush of shit
squished around more and more. all the movement caused the shit to spill out of the piggy's panties and into her pajamas.
what a great way to start the new year for the piglet. she got to wallow around for a whole hour in her own shit in bed.
it was like she was in a pig pen, her own private and in house pig pen. finally the piglet got herself up and climbed out of bed and woddled to the bathroom, ball legged so she wouldn't drop any of her pajama shit onto the floor. there in the bathroom the piggy took off her pajamas and slowed scraped the shit out from them. and then she carefully took some toilet paper and wiped all the brown shit from off of her butt hole and from her butt cheeks. that took a while. the shit had smeared all over her cheeks and between her legs. finally after the piglet cleaned herself the nasty spice odor of shit finally lifted from off of the piggy and the piggy was ready for her day.