"The piggy travels to the center of the galaxy" by bonbibonkers
the piggy bon had just finished her trip to the moon and was climbing out of her moon module when she felt a rolling curl of shit
zip past her rectum and approaching with grievance her anus. by the bottom of the latter and (as the whole world watched) inside the piggy's jump suit the shit
spilled out of her brown anus hole and started to fill out her panties and space suit. as the piggy stepped off the latter and took her first step on the moon, oh shit! the piggy screamed. the world listened in horror as the piggy's first historic words were struck out. then the shit poured into all parts of her space suit and the piggy rolled around in the moon dust for a couple minutes before clumping mayday a hasty retreat back up the latter and into the space module so she could remove her poopy space suit.
the piggy spent the rest of the day not collecting moon rocks but piecing out of her space suit jops and clusters of shit, and she wiped down from poop her butt cheeks and anus brown hole, and legs. on the return trip back the piglet messed herself six more times, and didn't bother cleaning, so by earth her space suit stunk awful and was filled with her piggy brown shit waste.