the useless and porky piggy was playing video games at her computer station tonight. this after she ate like a pig hog a supper that could have fed 50 field hogs. the piggy pork loined piglet overate and made a complete pig of herself.
she ate ten cans of milk, eight bags of peanuts, a bag of chicken feed she saw sitting around on the kitchen counter, two cans of dog food, she likes the mushrooms they put in them, very satisfying to her piggy taste buds,
two cans of cat food, mushy though sweet they always seem to run true to the piggy's pink tongue, three steaks -two chicken legs, three cucumbers, a batch of head lettuce, half a head of romaine lettuce mixed with green peas unpodded, a three quarter chalk of cheese filled summer sausage, nine balkin style potatoes, by the raw unpeeled before boiling, sprinkled with salt and pepper balls, five eggs on the whole, boiled, three on the della cooked full to hard, nine strips of bacon regular, and twelve strips of honey bacon and spinach combo, sixteen cups of berry juice, half or one fourth of a onn a loaf of garlic bread, by the tops, melted over with a mozzarella cheese slice, six cups of milk, and hog feet, for decoring the sides of her topping full and plate plash mound. what a pig. the piggy then felt, oh she felt, a huge rush a torrent of piggy inside stuff rumbling like a freight train through her piglet guts. the piggy had no time to react but tryed in vain to clamp in her chair her piggy butt cheeks together and squeeze her pig anus to tightening, but to no avail. a volcano of poop puree came pouring out of the piggy's anus and filled her chair to overflowing with a puddle of brown mush. what a piggy mess. disgusting.
the piggy sat there with a dumb look on her face and in a poop puree swamp of her own making and oinked twice, not knowing what else to do.