the poopy piggy poops. poops and poops.

the pigley bon just got back from a trip to eastern mongolia. there she visited several places of note.
she trampled up several mountains and pooped at the summits. she even pooped in the middle and front of the 
monument places she visited. the piggy doesn't like the toilets in mongolia, so to save herself the bother the piggy dropped her pants and slid off her panties and squatted wherever she needed to take the conversion from pigley interested tourist to a poopy porky piggy who needed to take a long piss or huge brown curly dump. so it happened the urge came to the piglet on the occasion while there were crowds of people around, but the piggy didn't mind.
she didn't mind at all and simply dropped her pants and pissed a whole minute a long puddle or squeeze out several long brown curls of poop, while the people watched on with great disgust and irritation. what a disgusting and useless piglet. back home the piggy was tired from her trip so she rested the day out; and she ran like a piglet to the toilet several times to piss, vomit after pissing and take several long brown poop dumps.