Come on now:
Last anonce game on Vi 13-211 with 197 CS. Bonbishka on Vi 2-12-8 with 19 CS.
Last anonce game on Jinx 13-9-2 with 209 CS. Bonbishka on Jinx in her last 3 games 1-2-1/5-10-8/4-11-8 with 89/69/98 CS.
I couldn't even find anonce's last game on Ahri, but I doubt it was 0-6-0...
And then there is still the matter of summoner spells: anonce goes Heal + Flash every single game he plays ADC and Bonbishka never does.
What sense would it even make to boost Bonbi's account at this point? She obviously is still struggling with the basics of the game, so her getting crushed in ranked won't make things better.
Which would be while Bonbishka was in the middle of a LoL game.