2023.04.22 - MY NEW PET
Cosplayed as OOC in Finn T-Shirt
Stream started 22:19
22:21 New cat revealed. 3 years old. Really fat. Meows.
22:23 Went to the shelter to get two kittens but got cat instead
22:24 Called Luna but wants to rename her. Wants ideas for names.
22:29 Going to let her and Marley meet.
22:33 Building scratching post
22:42 Thinks she will have at least four cats max [so four then?]
22:57 Runs for Ice Cream truck but misses it.
23:00 Went to the same grocery store as before and got bullied by checkout woman again.
23:03 Cashier looks 30. Thinks she's a teenager. Discussion about sending complaint to store.
23:20 If you want to be kind thats the better choice but she is not making that choice right now
23:22 Bon is a pussy in person
23:25 Keeping cat towers in her room while Marley gets used to them. Marley really like mushroom one.
23:27 Bon used to get bullied when she went to dance classes. Re-enacts bullying from when she was 12
23:35 All the girls that bullied her were really pretty, could see why they were popular
23:37 Had a friend until she was 11 [10] then she got moved to an advanced class.
23:39 Failing at other social media
23:41 Bon was a bully when she was 14. Grew out of it.
23:50 Feels bad after her ex told her she was ugly
23:54 She was the first person Bon felt comfortable around
23:57 Went to therapy but was therapist talked down to her
00:08 When she posts lewds some people dont like it but some people do. Rant about social media.
00:11 Hopes she doesn't 'fall off' Tiktok
00:14 Wants to be a cool grandma who gives grankids money and stuff
00:18 'Dont be afraid to drink from straws'
00:27 Complaining about smurfs [experienced gamers making new account to troll noobs]
00:31 Someone once paid $700 on her Patreon to insult her. She congratulated them.
00:35 Sage agreed as cats name but 'Smokers Lung' unofficial name
00:39 Watched South Park episode where Ike and his elementary school teacher were in a relationship. Made her sick.
00:41 New prize for Seal of Dranonsberg book - Switch with new Zelda game. Replaces cruise.
00:55 Stream ends