2023.04.26 - aw hamburgers :[
Cosplayed as OOC with new hair
Stream started 22:56
22:58 Cut her hair. Looks really bad. [It doesn't]
23:01 Wears a jacket to hide 'poop stain' [hair dye]
23:02 Spin to show new hair
23:03 I'm awkward
23:03 Shows picture just after dying eyebrows. says it looks like Robert Patterson
23:05 Making hamburgers with asparagus
23:06 Feels like she went from a 4 to a 1 [she didn't]
23:08 Goes to get wig, returns with hat. Eventually covers hair with hoodie instead.
23:14 Let the cats roam free. Marley hisses at SL but otherwise they are not attacking each other.
23:15-00:06 Cooking burgers
23:16 Book preorder ends 2nd May, (Alpha?) release 11th or 13th May. Should ship then. Have to sign the books and get the picture ready.
23:20 Doesn't think she can handle long hair because of the feeling of it touching her neck
23:23 Shows ground meat - 'this is going to be chat if you dont like my Instagram post'
23:24 Likes having responsibilities from living alone. Its hard work cleaning etc. Likes missing family so she enjoys it more when she does see them.
23:26 Mixes burgers with gold fork
23:29 Up to season 15 of South Park
23:31 Shapes burgers as cats. New cat is now named Niska. Marley burger has ear clipped. Nishka is a fatty ass.
23:32 Stream drops. Resumes almost immediately.
23:35 Shows picture of Marley and Nishka as Peter Pan and Wendy. Thinking of adding tinkerbell as a mouse
23:38 Julie called the store and told them the cashier was bullying Bon
23:40 Gas company failed to show up again to turn on the gas
23:41 Made a 'Kenny is my Boyfriend' blanket because the store does not sell them.
23:46 Adds 40lbs of Asparagus to burgers. Removes 35lbs.
23:51 Bought honey that leaks all the time
23:53 'I bought this thing for my things. I'm just gonna put the thing in here' [coffee jars]
23:58 Decayance joins chat
00:05 Adds massive amounts of Mayo provided with meal kit to burger buns
00:06 Adds more mayo
00:10 Tasting 'I liked that'. Asparagus with Texas Roadhouse butter really good.
00:14 'I'm gonna go and eat this and explode on the toilet for 10 hours'
00:14 Stream Ends