Ya know what! All of you who keep commenting on her morals or how she's changing and you wish she'd do more wholesome content should take a look at the way influencers make their income. Unfortunately Bonbi has not done well with sponsors or made any real ad revenue to support herself. So she is going a different route to try to support herself while still making content for her Instagram and tiktok. She has even said she hates making tiktoks now but she still does it. 

Maybe if you were a real fan of hers you'd be supportive. Even if she isn't doing content you enjoy on one platform she's still making content on others. You do not have to consume any content you don't like, but she is now in a house and has bills to pay. And her current business model is failing her because she doesn't know whether she should be more risqué on one platform because it may alienate some of her fan base, but that portion of her fanbase doesn't consume that content.

Ontop of that she has people body shaming her, and she's trying to make content that makes her feel sexy and attractive. So good for her. 

My only critique of her is that if she should stop charging what she does for patreon and make it more affordable because she does not post enough there to warrant the price. That kind of price should be reserved for high tier fan service, not posting once or twice a month.

Otherwise Bonbi you keep on doing what you can to take care of yourself and ignore the angry Simps and angry incels. They are not supporting you they drag you down.