2023.05.11 - lets cook
Cosplayed as OOC in black wig
Stream started 00:41
00:44 Making sweet chilli Salmon by >
00:49 Giveaway winner will be announced 18th May
00:51 Doesn't want to keep getting older but would stop at 21 so she can buy alcohol
00:59 Figures out how to use two cameras on a stream
01:03 Started watching Anime again. Black Butler. Is in love with Sebastian.
01:08 Been thinking about people not sharing their pasts but should love each other anyway.
01:18 Was sobbing in the shower last night because of some lies that ruined her life
01:19 'I did ruin my life' [by lying] Pulls back from telling full story. She hurt somebody she really cared about. Not that long ago. Knew what she was doing. Expresses regret.
01:22 Camera tumble
01:32 Has a little surprise coming soon. Someone very cool is coming to hang out with her. Not Julie or Emiru
01:36 Cats have turned tables. Nishka cant stand Marley, Marley is chill
01:38 Thinking of making a Discord
01:39 Made Patreon content today she really likes. Going to post Monday. Monday will be her new Patreon posting day.
01:40 Will use Twitter to post cats or lewds
01:42 Used to have a Twitter account where she argued with a famous peron's parents (she was 13 yo). Started an argument but couldn't finish it so she gave the phone to her dad to finish the argument. Ended because her dad was spending 15 minutes typing one tweet
01:52 Not seen post covid South Park but has heard what happens. Stan kills his sister.
02:02 Finished cooking. Tasting. Generally positive reviews.
02:09 Looked at the ideas people sent her. Likes being a cooking streamer.
02:09 Stream Ends