2023.05.15 - miss amane
Cosplayed as Miss Amane in green top
Stream started 23:17
23:19 Two camera cooking stream - honey, ginger, shrimp and rice
23:20 Installed wig onto her head (glued it)
23:22 Felt uncomfortable last stream because people were commenting on her body. 'Dont lewd me' (except on Patreon)
23:26 Going to appoint some more mods
23:28 Got a print of Keith and Lance from Voltron for her Birthday from Julie
23:36 - 23:45 Discussing Victorious drama
23:51 Discusses 'The Good Doctor' on Twitter.
23:53 When she was 12 had a crush on the actor who played the 'good doctor'. Stopped watching because show was repetitive
00:00 Walking Dead discussion. Was great until season 4/5.
00:07 'Sugar' - not anything else -added to mix
00;08 Started watching Game of Thrones really late. Going to rewatch. When she watched it first time she was 15.
00:13 Not seen the banned episodes of South Park yet
00:18 Off camera incident opening shrimp - 'I'm crying'
00:19 Cant wash wig - has to sleep in it for a few days [suggestion shrimp juice in wig]
00:29 Finished cooking
00:31 Review & conclusion - 'I think we did OK'
00:33 Give away winner will be chosen 18th May.
00:34 Posting on Patreon tonight.
00:34 Stream Ends