I am wondering how she perceives herself and her content after comments like that.
She did not have 2 good toks in a row since she was 16.
None of her streams were actually great, most of the time she complains about other people (if you complain about nearly everyone and how they treat you, isn`t it time to think about how you act?), plays victim and tries her hardest to be disgusting by burping, screaming, snorting, and talking about her shit.
Her Patreon is a joke with lousily taken smartphone pics, bad posing, bad image quality, no real creativity, no improvement in for way over a year. She gets 100 bucks for 6 pics a month and did not put a single cent in equipment. That shows how much she cares.Only thing she does is show more skin, which is not more sensual or sexy but just cheap.
So...how can she seriously try to sugarcoat all of that and wonder why she is not relevant?