2023.06.06 - NEW CAT ALERT
Cosplayed as OOC in black wig with Austin
Stream Started 01:03
01:06 She has a new cat called Long Johnson Kitty. Long Johnson or Mr Kitty for short
01:09 Is posting Patreon every Monday.
01:09 Will be baking cookies
01:10 Going to start streaming more - every other day
01:15 Discovers measuring cup has mold
01:19 Eggyolked joins (Birthday boy)
01:20 Juliebou joins. Headphone users bear the brunt
01:30 Long Johnson likes sniffing flour
01:43 Started going to a new grocery store. While she was a checkout other customer kept talking to her. Weirded out. Going to find a new grocery store.
01:52 Offers to burp Julie
01:56 Cookies in oven
01:57 Will be going to AnimeExpo this year. Was going to work at a booth but cancelled it. (was the job she was talking about)
02:01 Cookies have expanded inot a single cookie
02:09 Cookie was not a success. Recipe was for a website she found through Tiktok
02:16 Julie wont get an anti-cat allergy shot to  visit Bon
02:18 Stream ends