As she fails to realize, being a Twitch partner, she should refrain from burping, talking about feces or farts, screaming, or dressing in casual and unkempt attire. In order to retain her followers and seek sponsors on Instagram and other social media platforms, she must stop posting pictures of her cats and instead focus solely on cosplays and promoting products. It is crucial for her to cease insulting others or generating controversy, as this approach is not effective in gaining followers. The girls who admired her stopped following her because they felt she was no longer true to her innocent and cute essence. She has transformed into a bitter individual who insults everyone and is unbearable to be around. Of course, her so-called friends see her vulnerability and support her, but only for a while, as they are eventually reminded of how insufferable she is and distance themselves. She should create a YouTube channel dedicated to friendly content focused on makeup and cosplay to attract new followers (although it's highly likely she won't do it, as everything seems trivial to her). She needs to reboot and start fresh with a new image to offer because the sweet and timid girl no longer exists; she has now become a woman who not only disregards her friends' help but also belittles important projects that she deems nonsensical. It is crucial for her to define her target audience better. Does she want an audience that only wants to see a girl in lingerie, or does she want to do cosplays and cooking streams while promoting products? There is no audience for the mixed and senseless content she is currently creating.