2023.06.13 - poor duck ;-;
Cosplayed as esdeath
Stream started 00:07
00:09 Cancelled last stream because she had the runs
00:10 Going to be making pan-seared duck
00:11 Allowed to talk about Booba this stream as they are so apparent in the cosplay
00:12 Talks about responding to haters on Tiktok, IG etc
00:18 Had here first bad trip doing A-D-R-U-G. Has always dealt with psychosis, was really bad caused by drug.
00:21 Has started working out
00:23 Is going to AX (Anime Expo) in California
00:26 Might be going somewhere soon to sign books. Life has been very rough for someone involved (not Bon) which has caused delays.
00:29 Will be putting videos on Patreon. Will be making content for when she is out of time.
00:34 Found maggots in her bin. Wanted a big strong man to deal with it for her.
00:43 The actor who played Jessie in Breaking Bad is going to be in Black Mirror
00:47 Making clear Borether (Austin) is just a friend. Does not mind being shipped as a joke (eg Julie) but does not like it otherwise
00:50 Start cooking Duck
01:02 Booba had red spot from being splashed with oil
01:03 Might be getting another cat
01:21 'Been screaming a lot recently and not the good kind'
01:33 scores dish 6/10. Duck gives her teeth problems.
01:35 Stream Ends