2023.04.07 - Kittens
Cosplayed as OOC
Stream Started 21:48
21:50 She got kittens
21:52 Went in for one Kitten but ended up with three because they are siblings. Grey one - Bebe or Wendy. Ginger one - Margarine. Second Lighter Ginger - Butters
21:54 Bebe and Margarine are girls, Butters is a boy.
21:58 They are 3 months old. Found in a construction site. Original names are Power, Chainsaw and Gutter(?)
22:00 Toe shot
22:03 Has a lot to say about failed trip to AX but will leave it for another stream so as not to drag down this one.
22:10 Lag begins...
22:26 Stream moves to IG
22:29 Bebe renamed to Professor Chaos
22:38 Just got kittens today
22:39 Kittens going to live in bedroom for a few days/weeks
22:41 'In what world would someone rather look at me instead of these adorable kittens'
22:42 Streams ends.