> The point is, people will do things that can be considered some form of abuse no matter what she does.

I was not in DT so I cant comment about that. I can only go off how her Tiktok comments and IG comments and the number of lewd comments on those have risen EXACTLY in line with her lewd patreon posting. I didnt say nobody made lewd comments before she published lewds, I said that when they did it was entirely their fault, not hers. Thats what has changed.

Her explanation for starting lewds was that people were already being lewd about her so she might as well. Then the lewd comments multiplied 100 fold. She doesnt like lewd comments, I get it. But they are an inevitable result of what she chooses to post and she has to know they dont vary from day to day or platform to platform - a lewd poster is a lewd poster, not just on the day they post lewds but as a general characterization.