fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[bbg] - Endchan Magrathea
>  refuses to acknowledge her failings
>  triples down on doing of even though it is mentally destroying her
>  says money is the issue when it isn't
>  has other prospects but refuses to engage them because that would mean working on herself and sorting out her personal mental issues
>  Decided she should just be more lewd and 'suck it up' (absolute brainlet self destructive behavior again)
>  Wanted to try something new - drawing stream - but one guy ruined it (Ignore the guy dumb dumb)

Why is she like this bros? She has the whole world at her fingertips and she refuses to do anything worth a shit. Just shake your tits until the meds don't work anymore. What the fuck. This woman cannot be this stupid. I refuse to believe it.