fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[bbg] - Endchan Magrathea
She suffers from schizophrenia according to herself.
She's most likely just histrionic or borderline.

The argument was whether Bonbi was sexually assaulted or not (never confirmed) and whether Emiru knew (seems likely).
> Bonbi is a liar
She's indecisive and emotional, too.
> Emiru would facilitate all of this
According to Bonbi she was blackmailed, that point was addressed in the previous post.
> Emiru has tons of other content creator friends who have never said anything bad about her
They have spoken out about sexual assault and harassment at OTK though.
It's the reason why Emiru is listed as a co-owner now.

> Emiru villainizing probably comes from
It mostly came from how immature she acted when she first got big on twitch.
Mind you that she got her fame from sleeping with a at the time big streamer.
When he started losing followers she met up with Bonbi and dumped him shortly afterwards.
> people who hate she's a successful woman
She has received far less hate now that she's acting professionally.
> emiru is a saint for putting up with bonbi
Bonbi also had a huge following back then, now that she doesn't she has no creator friends either.
> anonce
I remember they were all but broken up when Bonbi met Emiru.
Can't be bothered to look up when Bonbi took a dump in her hand to smear on his bike either.