Bonbi some tips on relationships since I believe we might have some of the same mental health bullshit:
1. Don't diminish your self worth. Meaning don't lower yourself and pick people who are shitty because you feel shitty about yourself.
2. Sparks not fireworks. If you feel fireworks it's NOT the right person. Your brain is wired slightly off from others and because of that you might feel VERY strong attraction to people who will end up hurting you. Feel for sparks, or more mild feelings of attraction, to normalize this response.
3. Drama-free relationships are going to feel boring, and not "right". This is also due to past trauma. There's always going to be a part of you that wants to relive those shitty parts of your life, even if they were awful. Humans are fucking weird and gravitate toward strong emotions, positive AND negative. Believe it or not we often set ourselves up to go through trauma again because off this.