thumbnail of the fountain.mp4
thumbnail of the fountain.mp4
the... mp4
(10.54 MB, 608x1080 h264)
> I always wanted to believe that you just want to be proven wrong
its the only thing I ever truly wanted in regards to my time here, that, and to see bonbi make it to adulthood while becoming her own person...god how fucking far we are from that scenario now...
> it gives me hope that maybe Bonbi too can change
I'm sorry to say but there is no hope for her. I had to live through my own hell to be able to come out on top. I've been used and abused all my life, physically, emotionally, ...and cast aside as just a stepping stone for others personal gain. Sad thing is I was okay with everything that was happening to me just because I wanted them to be happy, to fulfull everyone's wish, everyone's wish but mine...but the worst was when I finally became the abuser. I lost the only thing in my life I ever loved and the thing that gave me renewed meaning. I remember sitting in my car on the cliff by the ocean and seeing how close I could get my tires to the edge, and the only reason I'm still here is because I got an angry phone call from one of my only friends at the time...he didn't even know where I was or that I was suicidal, he was mad about something completely separate, and it ended with him calling me a selfish fucking idiot and hanging up...I couldn't go through with it after he called me selfish, afterall, it'd only prove him, them, right...he saved my life that night but we stopped being friends. Anyway, the only reason I typed that out is because I think bonbi needs to have her cliff moment, she needs to be broken, she needs to pick the pieces up, she needs to put herself back together, and she needs to do it all by herself. I just don't think she's got the strength, will and resolve to come out on top of everything she's been dealt.

But like I said, the worst part of all this, and I mean the absolute worst part, is realizing that none of this is her fault at all...