Fright... mp4
(12.6 MB, 608x1080 h264)
Full Metal mp4
(29.29 MB, 960x540 h264)
That was an insightful read. I do not want to personally insult you, but I can't help myself but question your antics. Whether I should question your psychoanalysis or not, I will decide as I write this. I dont really care/willingly invest myself with an unusual girl surrounded by the new generation of freaks. I think it's too much of a hassle to go to lengths and stress myself over (like you seem to have been doing) a random girl (from my perspective - on the other side of the Atlantic). And it may become a good motivation factor or inspiration for your edits, but is it really worth it to do that? Following her closely is weird as it is; having gigs of files of her on your desktop is even weirder; and with those 2 prior things checked off, making edits of her is also a little weird (depending on your intentions). The point being; maybe think yourself as an individual with your own brain. Don't think for others - and possibly get your mental state checked out by a therapist. If you are initially uncomfortable of talking to a therapist about the exact details of your situation, then there is something wrong.
I'm a slight hypocrit for getting myself invested in this. Hence the long paragraphs and critique, but I'm mostly here to just appreciate good editing and enjoy the ride.
Sadly, my opinions stem from a Kaczynski level of technology spite. Mix that with a strong disgust for pedophilia, and hatred for demagoguery, hive mentality and 'simping' - you get someone like me. What I'm trying to say here, if I invested myself dearly to bonbi then it would be very toxic. It's very nice to hear that you have the ability to get along with people in spyware like Discord, but I don't really care about that.
Of course, I have my interpretation of her situation as well. I can't avoid it since my brain naturally wants to solve and search for knowledge. What you say completely contradicts what I think. But that interpretation is for my own good and not a platform to voice my opinions on.
I'm glad that you were able to attain some enjoyment out of her. Simp all you want since the only backlash you get is from a small minority of butthurt people. As long as you don't get in my way then I don't really care.
If you're trying to psychoanalyse me right now, then don't bother. In fact I'll tell you right away that I'm not an old geezer that you might speculate me to be, nor am I a nihilist. All I am is an individual who thinks for himself (~chuckles in rarity~).