ivy league was once respected
now it is for brainless faggots.

There are non-whites who can make it on their own merit, but as long as CRA title 9 aka affirmative action exists they will always be second guessed because so many retards get a free ride and free degree because of the color of their skin alone.

Since Whites are now close to 50% of the population, down from 90% when CRA was enacted, it's either gotta go away entirely or every race including Whites and Asains need to be counted as a special class and protected group.

CRA / affirmative action is legally mandated divide and conquer.

If not civil war is inevitable.  We will not be second class citizens or let HR commies walk on us.

JFK was murdered right before CRA and the 1965 ethnic cleansing immigration act was signed.  The latter was implemented almost verbatim across every European country at once.  They are only accelerating their ethnic cleansing plans now.