Now they're coming after "backyard chickens" 

"Salmonella Outbreaks Linked to Backyard Poultry"
June 9, 2022


Mockingbird parrot: 
Salmonella outbreaks tied to backyard chickens, birds in Iowa and 37 other states
June 10, 2022
"Donnelle Eller, Des Moines Register
Fri, June 10, 2022 at 12:45 PMĀ·2 min read
In this article:


Iowa is one of 38 states where state and federal public health officials are investigating more than 200 cases of backyard birds sickened by salmonella.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 10 Iowans were sickened by salmonella after working with their backyard flocks.

Nationwide, 219 illness have been reported and 27 people have been hospitalized, the CDC reported. One in four sick people are children younger than 5, the agency said. One death was reported in Tennessee.

The true number of sick people is likely much higher, as many recover without medical care and are not tested for salmonella, the CDC said."

219 in the entire country- shut it down! Eat zee bugs!