Team Biden ready to hand Russia and China
vaccine technology — free of charge

New York Post, by Andrei Iancu & David J. Kappos

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/6/2022 3:01:10 PM

The Biden administration is about to give one of the biggest US technological breakthroughs of the 21st century to Russia and China—free of charge. That’s not the administration’s goal, of course. But it’s the inevitable result of a proposed deal that US negotiators recently struck in Geneva, Switzerland, at the World Trade Organization. The pact would effectively nullify intellectual-property protections on COVID-19 vaccines, including the next-generation mRNA shots from US companies Moderna and Pfizer. These mRNA platforms represent decades of research backed by billions of dollars in public and private investment. But if the WTO votes in favor at its summit starting June 12, our strategic