It is a sad fact that what you say does not matter as much as how you say it, even online, when what you say can be re-read over and over and scrutinized. If you are right, but jam the truth down people's throats or mock and laugh at others, you will be deemed as unlikable and untrustworthy, and the content of your words will be doubted. People will spin all kinds of delusions and engage in massive amounts of cognitive dissonance in order to avoid agreeing with someone they do not like. These image boards have been successful and effective at bypassing our natural human tendencies in the past because they avoid the identity games. The moment you stop being anonymous, the moment someone names you, you name yourself, or you become identified by your past words, you fall prey to these tribal human patterns. It's hard to convince people of anything when they do not like you. It's even harder when humans gang up on each other and form "teams". You are then "guilty by association" and become responsible for not only your own words, but those of your "team". Every interaction then becomes an opportunity for confirmation bias, and the truth gets snuffed out. 

It's all so tiresome.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.