Odessa Texas is out of water in 102 degree weather

 Emergency declared as Texas city runs out of WATER amid 102 degree temperatures forcing hospitals to close: Brutal 'heat dome' settles over the Midwest and south with brutal heat expected for the next week
Odessa's authorities are scrambling to provide cases of bottled water as much of the sweltering city is without power, amid 100 degree heat
The water main burst on Tuesday morning, and emergency crews are struggling to repair it, with state officials helping distribute bottled water
In Ohio, 230,000 people were without power - including 169,000 in the state capital, Columbus - due to an over-stretched grid and severe storms
On Monday night, parts of the midwest were buffeted by strong winds which ripped up trees in Chicago and saw people scurrying to their basements
Record temperatures, meanwhile, have been recorded in cities including St Louis, Missouri; North Platte, Nebraska; and Nashville, Tennessee - with some cities breaking records set in the 1950s
The hot weather, caused by a high pressure 'heat dome' preventing the radiation from escaping, is expected to continue for several days 
June 15, 2022

"On Monday night into Tuesday, 125 million people - a third of the population - were under heat alerts across much of the central and eastern states. 

Cities such as Tulsa, Memphis, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Raleigh and Charlotte were all under the heat warnings.

Chicago residents on Monday fled to their basements and nearby shelters when a surprise tornado ripped through the city as it experienced 100F weather for the first time in a decade. "
