5 Jul, 2022 14:19
The Russians are coming for Europe – Zelensky

This guy is Nina Jancowitz best student, kek

Moscow sees Ukraine as a starting point for future moves in the region, the Ukrainian president says

Russia could use Ukraine as a starting point for attacks on other European states, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said. He asked the West for security guarantees that Ukraine could enjoy while not being a member of the US-led military bloc NATO.

“We need a system of security guarantees, which would be effective even while we are not part of the alliance,” Zelensky said on Tuesday at a roundtable hosted by The Economist.

“Russia views the territory of our country as a foothold for capturing other European states.Which means, to ensure the security of Ukraine is to provide long-term security for the whole of Europe.” 

(Where does he get these silly prognostications? Chicken little is back with the sky is falling)

He argued that “gray zones” in European security have made it possible for Russia to send troops to Ukraine.

Zelensky mentioned the Budapest Memorandum, a 1994 deal under which Ukraine surrendered its Soviet-era nuclear arsenal in exchange for promises from the US, Britain and Russia that they would “provide assistance” to Ukraine in the case of aggression. The three states also vowed not to attack Ukraine themselves.

Zelensky said the guarantees provided under the Budapest Memorandum and similar “assurances” have now “been destroyed.”

Russia has repeatedly said that NATO’s expansion has been undermining European security. President Vladimir Putin cited the bloc’s attempts to set up “a foothold” in Ukraine as one of the reasons for military action in the country.
